Dwight Turnipseed from Trussville, AL asks:
You have runners on 1st and 2nd with less than 2 outs. A ball is hit to the 2nd baseman and he tags 2nd base. Does the runner on second have to try and advance to third or can he just stand on the base and stay safe?
In this scenerio the runner on second is allowed to stay on second and the runner coming from first is out. Once the second baseman tags the base it removes the force on the runner who was origionally on second, therefore allowing him to stay on second.
If the second baseman was to first tag the runner who was on second and then tag second base both runners would be out because the runner on second would be out because he was forced off the base by the runner coming from first and the runner coming from first would be out because he was forced out once the bag was touched.
Answered by: Jonathan Bravo
Keywords: Runners